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I believed and I began

People will always say to you “you can do it”, but it’s not until you believe in yourself can you truly take that step to do what it is you want to do. The fear of failure, the anxiety, the embarrassment, all the things your brain starts thinking about to convince you that you perhaps cannot do it. But what if you did do the thing you wanted to? Imagine what you would gain? Fear would have failed, anxiety would be lost and embarrassment would turn into achievement.

For the past year, I have been struggling with myself to take a leap of faith within myself, I worked in the corporate world, and decided to stop working and do what I wanted to do, write my first book. I’ve wanted to do this for over two decades now, but of course life and work takes over, or perhaps it was neither of those things and my own lack of belief in myself and the fear of failure that held me back. We all go through life with our own struggles, our own cultural rules including societies rules and we end up conforming so much we never find ourselves. I’ve spent years trying to learn lessons of life, some of which I have learnt some of which I am still trying to learn and during that time I can confess that I have broken many of the conformed rules, and I know I am not the only one.

It has taken me a long time to get the courage to go against the grain, do something different and really take a leap of faith. I know I am not the only one doing this, hundreds of people do this every day, and they are the kind of people who will also encourage others to pursue their dream or their calling. So here I am taking that step and hoping that if you are one of those people standing on the fence waiting to jump over to the side of the unknown, I want to encourage you and help you to take that step towards your goal.

Yes it could all go horribly wrong, but what happens when you wake up in thirty years and regret never trying? What if you don’t live for another thirty years? After all life is too short as they say and you don’t know what’s around the corner. Silence your fears by focusing on the positives, your main enemy is you and your thoughts. Control those thoughts, don’t spiral into the negativity of what if’s, but instead focus on the positive of when, when you reach your goal, when you achieve all you wanted. Imagine that, the satisfaction, the happiness, the peace.

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